HARESHKUMAR RAMJIBHAI CHAUDHARY DBA 公司于2021-02-24收录于纽佰德数据的全球贸易商库中。HARESHKUMAR RAMJIBHAI CHAUDHARY DBA 最早出现在加拿大海关数据中,目前纽佰德 海关数据系统中共收录其8条相关的海关进出口记录,其中 HARESHKUMAR RAMJIBHAI CHAUDHARY DBA 公司的采购商0家,供应商1条。
年份 | 进出口 | 合作伙伴数量 | 商品分类数量 | 贸易地区数量 | 总数据条数 | 总金额 |
2021 | 进口 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 7 | 0 |
2020 | 进口 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
使用纽佰德数据系统,可以帮助用户更全面的分析 HARESHKUMAR RAMJIBHAI CHAUDHARY DBA 公司的主要贸易地区分析,查看该公司在纽佰德系统里历史至今的海关进出口记录,掌握该公司的上下游采购商与供应商,发现其新增采购或供应的商品,寻找 HARESHKUMAR RAMJIBHAI CHAUDHARY DBA 的联系方式,采购决策人邮箱等。纽佰德数据系统,每三天更新一次。
日期 | 进出口 | HS编码 | 商品描述 | 贸易地区 | 贸易伙伴 | 详细内容 |
2021-05-15 | 进口 | 33059090 | KOHAR MOROCCAN ARGAN PREMIUM HAIR SERUM-100ML BATCH NO: 01098; MFG DATE: 04/2021EXP DATE: 03/2023 ; SERUM- 100ML ; 04/2021 EXP ; Preparations for use on the hair ; | INDIA | A***S | 更多 |
2021-05-15 | 进口 | 33049910 | KOHAR RETINOL NIGHT CREAM-50GM BATCH NO:04014; MFG DATE: 04/2021 EXP DATE: 03/223 ; NO: 04014; ; 03/2 ; 23 ; Beauty or make - up preparations and preparations for the care of the skin ( other than medicaments ) , including sunscreen or suntan preparations ; manicure or pedicure preparations ; ; Face creams ; | INDIA | A***S | 更多 |
2021-05-15 | 进口 | 33049990 | KOHAR FOOT CARE CREAM-100GM BATCH NO:04010; MFG DATE: 03/2021 EXP DATE: 02/2023 ; NO: 04010; ; 02/20 ; 23 ; Beauty or make - up preparations and preparations for the care of the skin ( other than medicaments ) , including sunscreen or suntan preparations ; manicure or pedicure preparations ; | INDIA | A***S | 更多 |
2021-05-15 | 进口 | 33049910 | HAPPY VIBS VITAMIN-C FACE SERUM-50ML BATCH NO: 19098; MFG DATE: 04/2021 EXP DATE: 03/2023. ; BAT CH ; DATE : ; Beauty or make - up preparations and preparations for the care of the skin ( other than medicaments ) , including sunscreen or suntan preparations ; manicure or pedicure preparations ; ; Face creams ; | INDIA | A***S | 更多 |
2021-05-15 | 进口 | 33049990 | KOHAR HERBAL FACE CLEANSER-200ML BATCHNO: 05209; MFG DATE: 03/2021 EXP DATE: 0Feb-23 ; BATCH NO: ; 0 ; Feb-23 ; Beauty or make - up preparations and preparations for the care of the skin ( other than medicaments ) , including sunscreen or suntan preparations ; manicure or pedicure preparations ; | INDIA | A***S | 更多 |
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